Stella Artois 473ml Can
Stella Artois Legere is a pale golden lager that is refreshing and highly drinkable with the Stella Artois flavour character. With a fruity flavour and subtle hop note, it has a moderate bitterness that finishes nicely. Stella Artois Legere pairs well with seafood, creamy pastas and chicken.
In stock
Value_add | 0, 15 |
Country | Canada |
SKU | 23258 |
Product Size | 1 x 473 mL |
Alcohol | 5.00% |
Region | Quebec |
Beer Type | Pale Lager |
ATTENTION: All Prices Include HST & Bottle Deposit. Prices shown are subject to change without notice. In the event of a price difference shown online, the product description and price in the liquor stores shall prevail.