Ocean Vodka

Made from organic sugar cane. Blended with deep mineral water to impart an unique taste and mouth-feel. Advanced process using continuous column distillation for ultimate control of purity and flavour. Award winning and highly rated with exceptional reviews by national and international experts and connoisseurs.


In stock

16 in stock at Long Pond.Change Location

Ocean Vodka

Blackmarsh Road
4 in stock
Howley Estates
5 in stock
Humber Gardens
3 in stock
Kelsey Drive
5 in stock
Long Pond
16 in stock
Merrymeeting Road
10 in stock
Stavanger Drive
3 in stock
Topsail Road
5 in stock

United States



Product Size

750 mL



ATTENTION: All Prices Include HST & Bottle Deposit. Prices shown are subject to change without notice. In the event of a price difference shown online, the product description and price in the liquor stores shall prevail.